
LLB Realitäten GmbH

Address: Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43 1 536 16-0
Fax: + 43 1 536 16-900
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court
Registration number: FN 439054v
Supervisory authority: city administration district office

Chamber/professional association: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, real estate

Principle business activity: arrangement and management of plots of land, buildings and apartments for third parties pursuant to the 1994 Industrial Code and property developers pursuant to the Property Development Contract Act (Bauträgervertragsgesetz)

Access to these regulations:

EU VAT ID No¹: ATU 69898346
¹ VAT identification number

Information pursuant to the Media Act

Media owner and publisher

Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG, Heßgasse 1, 1010Vienna, Austria

Corporate bodies

Board of Management

Dr. Robert Löw (Chairman of the Board of Management)
Mag. Harald Friedrich (Vice Chairman of the Board of Management)
Gerd Scheider

Supervisory Board

Mag. Natalie Flatz (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Christoph Reich, MBA (Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Dr. Gabriel Brenna
Dr. Patrick J. Fürer
Dr. Bernd Moosmann
Dr. Bernhard Ramsauer
Dipl.Ing. Iris Ortner, MBA
Franz-Erwein Nostitz-Rieneck (delegated by Works Council)
Karin Leeb (delegated by Works Council)
Johanna Kleinowitz (delegated by Works Council)

Shareholdings in the media owner

Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (100%, holding more than 25% of this: Principality of Liechtenstein, Peter-Kaiser-Platz 1, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein)

Basic content and purpose of the website

Presentation of LLB Realitäten GmbH, information about the services offered by LLB Realitäten GmbH


All of the texts, images and graphics used on this website are the property of the LLB Group.


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Paweł Kuna